Signatories of the
2019 Civil Society Equity Review
The following groups, organisations and movements support the analyses, findings and recommendations of “Can Climate Change fuelled Loss and Damage ever be fair?,” the first report from the Civil Society Equity Review focused squarely on loss and damage.
Please note, at this point we only invite sign-ons from organizations – not individuals.
AOSED – An Organization for Socio Economic Development, Bangladesh
Arjon Foundation, Bangladesh
Catholic Stewards of Creation, Inc., Philippines
Center for Participatory Research and Development, Bangladesh
Energy and Climate Policy Institute for Just Transition, South Korea
Himalaya Niti Abhiyan, India
Philippine advocates for the care of our planet
TFINS, India
WomanHealth Philippines
YouthNet for Climate Justice, Bangladesh
Mujeres con Energia Soc. Cooperativa, Spain
Latin America
Movimiento Ciudadano frente al Cambio Climático – MOCICC, Perú
Ong Por la Tierra, México
North America
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE
Center for Rural Enterprise and Environmental Justice, United States
Institute for Policy Studies Climate Justice Program, United States
Texas Interfaith Center for Public Policy/Texas Impact, United States
UC Santa Barbara Environmental and Climate Justice Hub, United States
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC), United States