Signatories of the
2024 Civil Society Equity Review
The following almost 350 groups, organisations and movements endorse the analyses, findings and recommendations of the report “The 2024 Civil Society Equity Review - Fair Shares, Finance, Transformation: Fair Shares Assessment, Equitable Fossil Fuel Phase Out, and Public Finance for a Just Global Climate Stabilization.”
If your organization wishes to sign on to the Review, please fill in the Sign On form.
Please note, at this point we only invite sign-ons from organizations – not individuals.
- 350.org
- ActionAid International
- Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
- Christian Aid
- Climate Action Network International
- Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF)
- Fast For the Climate
- Friends of the Earth International
- Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
- International Marine Mammal Project
- Islamic Relief Worldwide
- LDC Watch
- Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
- Oil Change International
- Oxfam
- Plastic Pollution Coalition
- Publish What You Pay
- Recourse
- Social Watch
- Stand.earth
- The Last Plastic Straw
- Third World Network
- VIVAT International
- War on Want
- WWF International
- WhatNext?
- African Coalition on Green Growth (ACGG)
- Asian Energy Network (AEN)
- Asian Peoples Movement on Debt and Development
- Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa (CYNESA)
- Climate Action Network South Asia
- Climate Action Network Southeast Asia (CANSEA)
- Focus on the Global South
- Global Policy Forum Europe
- Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF)
- Pacific Islands Climate Action Network
- Power Shift Africa
- South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE)
- AbibiNsroma Foundation, Ghana
- Actions en faveur de l'Homme et de la Nature (AFHON), Côte d'Ivoire
- Baruch Initiative for Transformation, Nigeria
- Climate Action Network Zambia
- Climate Action Network Zimbabwe
- Coalition malienne Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez (PCQVP-Mali)
- Daughters of Mumbi Global Resource Center, Kenya
- Disability Peoples Forum Uganda
- Ecological Christian Organisation (ECO), Uganda
- Egyptian Green Party
- ÉnergieRich, Burkina Faso
- groundWork/ Friends of the Earth South Africa
- Institute for Economic Research on Innovation, South Africa
- Jamaa Resource Initiatives, Kenya
- Kikandwa Environmental Association, Uganda
- Net Impact The Gambia
- Pesticide Action Network (PANeM), Mauritius
- Plate-forme Togolaise de l’Alliance Panafricaine pour la Justice Climatique (PACJA-Togo), Togo
- Réseau Droit Developpement et Environnement, Mauritania
- Sustain267 Impact, Botswana
- Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development / East African Sustainability Watch Network
- World Friends for Africa Burkina Faso
- 350 Pilipinas
- Adarsha Samajik Progoti Sangstha-ASPS, Bangladesh
- Adivasi Ekta Parishad, India
- Akhil Bhartiya Adivasi Mahasabha, India
- Akhuwat Kissan, Pakistan
- All India Women Hawkers Federation
- All Nepal Peasants Federation
- Amra Kalaparabashi, Bangladesh
- An Organization for Socio-Economic Development - AOSED, Bangladesh
- Anchalic Suraksha Committee, India
- Angat-GenC - Generation Climate, Philippines
- Aniban ng Mangagawa sa Agrikultura (AMA), Philippines
- Anjuman e Muzareen e Punjab, Pakistan
- ASR Resource Center, Pakistan
- Atimonan Power for People, Philippines
- Bangladesh Adivasi Samity
- Bangladesh Bacolight Shramik Federation
- Bangladesh Bhasaman Nari Shramik
- Bangladesh Bhasaman Shramik Union
- Bangladesh Bhumiheen Samity
- Bangladesh Chattra Sabha
- Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association (BELA)
- Bangladesh Integrated Social Advancement Programme (BISAP)
- Bangladesh Jatyo Shramik Federation
- Bangladesh Kishani Sabha
- Bangladesh Krishok Federation
- Bangladesh Krishok Sabha
- Bangladesh Rural Intellectuals' Front
- Bangladesh Sangjukto Shramik Federation
- Bangladesh Shramik Federation
- Beaconhouse National Uni, Pakistan
- Break Free Pilipinas, Break Free from Fossil Gas - Philippine Campaign
- Bukluran ng Manggagawang Pilipino (BMP), Philippines
- Camarines Norte Movement for Climate Justice, Philippines
- Campaign for Climate Justice Network (CCJN), Nepal
- CarbonCare InnoLab, Hong Kong SAR, China
- Center for Energy, Ecology and Development, Philippines
- Centre for Environmental Justice, Sri Lanka
- Charbangla Bittoheen Samobay Samity, Bangladesh
- Cholistan Development Council, Pakistan
- CIRDS Nepal
- Citizens Welfare Association, India
- Clean and Green Khai, Pakistan
- Climate Activists Collective, Pakistan
- Climate Watch Thailand
- COAST Foundation, Bangladesh
- Coastal Livelihood and Environmental Action Network (CLEAN), Bangladesh
- Community Action for Healing Poverty Organization, Afghanistan
- Community Developers Association (CDA), Pakistan
- Community Initiatives for Development in Pakistan (CIDP)
- Concerned Citizens of Sta. Cruz, Zambales, Philippines
- Crofter Foundation, Pakistan
- CSNEHA Foundation, India
- Dhoritri Rokhhay Amra (DHORA), Bangladesh
- Digo Bikas Institute, Nepal
- Eco-Conservation Initiatives (ECI), Pakistan
- EcoHimal Nepal
- Emarat Nirman Shramik Bangladesh
- Energy and Climate Policy Institute for Just Transition, South Korea
- EnGIO, India
- Environmental Protection Society Malaysia (EPSM)
- Equity and Justice Working Group, Bangladesh [EquityBD]
- Feminist Collective Pakistan
- FIAN Nepal
- Focus on the Global South - India
- Focus on the Global South - Philippines
- Focus on the Global South - Thailand
- Food Sovereignty and Climate Justice Forum, Nepal
- FOSNU Probolinggo, Indonesia
- Ganochhaya Sanskritic Kendra, Bangladesh
- Gilgit-Baltistan Social Welfare Organization, Pakistan
- Gitib, Inc., Philippines
- Green Movement of Sri Lanka
- Growthwatch, India
- Haqooq e Khalq Movement, Pakistan
- HaritaDhara Research Development and Education Foundation, India
- HELP-O (Human & Environmental Links Progressive Organization), Sri Lanka
- Himalaya Niti Abhiyan, India
- Home Net Pakistan
- Human Rights Alliance, Nepal
- Indian Social Action Forum
- Jago Bangladesh Garment Workers' Federation
- Jan Chetnna Manch, India
- Kamgar Ekata Union, Maharashtra, India
- Karnali Integrated Rural Development and Research Centre (KIRDARC), Nepal
- Khowai River Waterkeeper, Bangladesh
- Kissan Ikkat, Pakistan
- Kissan Karkeela, Pakistan
- Kissan Ravi Club, Pakistan
- Koalisyon Isalbar ti Pintas ti La Union (Coalition to Save the Beauty of La Union), Philippines
- Kohelia Matshojibi Samity, Bangladesh
- Kongreso ng Pagkakaisa ng Maralita ng Lungsod (KPML), Philippines
- KOTHOWAIN (Vulnerable Peoples Development Organization), Bangladesh
- Krisoker Sor (Farmers' Voice), Bangladesh
- KRuHA, Indonesia
- La Verita Onlus Bangladesh (V.O.I.D.)
- Labour Education Foundation, Pakistan
- Labour Qomi Movement, Pakistan
- Lal Quila Hawker Union, India
- Limpyong Hanging para sa Kaugmanon sa Tanan (Clean Air for ALL) -Toledo, Cebu, Philippines
- Lok Sujag, Pakistan
- Makabayang Alyansa ng Magbubukid sa Pilipinas
- Malaysian Nature Society
- Meena Bazar Hawker Association, India
- Mines Mineral and People, India
- Mom Loves Taiwan Association
- Monitoting the Sustainability of Globalization (MSN), Malaysia
- Motherland Garment Workers' Federation
- Movement for Advancing Understanding of Sustainability And Mutuality MAUSAM, India
- Nadi Ghati Morcha - India
- Nalbunia Matsajibi Samity, Bangladesh
- Narayan Singh Uikey Adivasi Vikash Samiti, India
- National Hawkers Federation (NHF), India
- National Youth Federation Nepal (NYFN)
- Nepal Integrated Development Initiatives
- Oriang Women’s Movement, Philippines
- PakAid, Pakistan
- Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (PFF)
- Pakistan Forum for Rights of Nature-PFRN
- Pakistan Institute of Labour Education and Research (PILER)
- Pakistan Kissan Rabita Committee
- Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM), Philippines
- Paryavaran Sanrakshan Samiti, India
- Pasur River Waterkeeper, Bangladesh
- Philippine Advocates for the Care of Our Planet
- Philippine Movement for Climate Justice
- Piglas- Batangas, Philippines
- Pilar Perjuangan Nelayan, Indonesia
- Pittacchara Forest and Biodiversity Initiatives, Bangladesh
- PMCJ - Cebu, Philippines
- PMCJ - Davao, Philippines
- PMCJ - Eastern Visayas, Philippines
- PMCJ - Western Mindanao, Philippines
- Policy Research Institute for Equitable Development (PRIED), Pakistan
- Prasar, India
- Progressive Peasants’ Council, Bangladesh
- Progressive Students' Collective, Pakistan
- Quezon for Environment (QUEEN), Philippines
- Reach Law, India
- Ready Made Garment Workers' Federation, Bangladesh
- Rehdi Patri Ekta Manch, India
- Revanchal Dalit Adivasi Sewa Samiti, India
- Riung Hijau, Indonesia
- Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN)
- S.A.V.E Luna, Philippines
- Sabda Alam Banten, Indonesia
- Samata, India
- Sanga, Pakistan
- Sanlakas, Philippines
- Save Nature Save Life, Bangladesh
- Sawera Foundation, Pakistan
- Serikat Nelayan Indonesia
- Serikat Perempuan Sunggal (SPS), Indonesia
- SETU, Bangladesh
- SETU: Centre for Social Knowledge and Action, India
- SETU: Forum for Gramsabha, India
- Sindh Hari Porchat Council, Pakistan
- Social Economic Development Society [seds], Bangladesh
- Solidaritas Perempuan, Indonesia
- South Asia Partnership Pakistan
- Sukaar Welfare Organization, Pakistan
- Suluh Muda Inisiatif, Indonesia
- Sundarban Rakhhay Amra, Bangladesh
- Surma River Waterkeeper, Bangladesh
- Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI), Pakistan
- Swadesh Gramotthan Samiti, India
- Tadbeer Research Organization, Afghanistan
- Tagapagtanggol ng Kalikasan sa Pagbilao (TKP), Philippines
- Tameer e Nau Women's Worker Organization, Pakistan
- Tax and Fiscal Justice Alliance, Nepal
- Tetulbaria Matsajibi Samity, Bangladesh
- Textile Powerloom Garments Workers Federation, Pakistan
- TFINS, India
- The Future We Need, India
- UBINIG (Policy Research for Development Alternative), Bangladesh
- Ulgulan Manch, India
- Upokulio Mukto Rovar Scouts Group, Bangladesh
- Venella Rural Development, India
- Vision Building Future, Pakistan
- Visionary Forum, Pakistan
- Voices for Interactive Choice and Empowerment (VOICE), Bangladesh
- Waterkeepers Bangladesh
- Women's Rehabilitation Centre (WOREC), Nepal
- Yayasan Mitra Insani, Indonesia
- Young Reformers, Pakistan
- Youth for Climate Justice – Mindanao, Philippines
- Youth for Climate Justice – Tacloban, Philippines
- YouthNet for Climate Justice, Bangladesh
- ZALIKA (Zambales Lingap Kalikasan), Philippines
- Zambales Movement for Climate Justice, Philippines
- Alliance Climatique Suisse / Klima-Allianz Schweiz / Alleanza Clima Svizzera
- Amigos de la Tierra (Friends of the Earth Spain)
- An Taisce - The National Trust for Ireland
- Association for Farmers Rights Defense, AFRD, Georgia
- Change Partnership, Belgium
- Co-ordination Office of the Austrian Bishop's Conference for International Development and Mission (KOO)
- Ecologistas en Accion, Spain
- Edmund Rice International, Ireland
- Faith for the Climate, United Kingdom
- Focsiv Italian Federation Christian Organisations International Voluntary Service
- Friends of the Earth Ireland
- International-Lawyers.Org (INTLawyers), Switzerland
- Klimakultur, Norway
- NOAH Friends of the Earth Denmark
- Norwegian Forum for Development and the Environment, Norway
- Razom We Stand, Ukraine
- Rodzice dla Klimatu - Parents For Future Poland, Poland
- Share The World's Resources, United Kingdom
- Tools For Solidarity, United Kingdom
- United Kingdom Without Incineration Network (UKWIN)
- Uplift, United Kingdom
- Zero Waste Alliance Ireland
Latin America
- Centro de Estudios y Apoyo al Desarrollo Local, Bolivia
- CESTA Friends of the Earth El Salvador, El Salvador
- Gruo Ecológco Sierra Gorda IAP, Mexico
- Observatório do Clima, Brazil
- Sociedad Amigos del Viento, Uruguay
North America
- Alaska Clean Water Advocacy, United States
- Alliance for Tribal Clean Energy, United States
- Anthropocene Alliance, United States
- Bank Climate Advocates, United States
- Brighter Green, United States
- Calgary Climate Hub Association, Canada
- Canadian Engaged Buddhism Association
- Canadian Interfaith Fast For the Climate
- Canadian Voice of Women for Peace
- Care About Climate, United States
- Center for Biological Diversity, United States
- Citizens for Public Justice, Canada
- Citizens' Climate Lobby Canada
- Climate Action for Lifelong Learners (CALL), Canada
- Climate Action Network Canada (CAN-Rac)
- Climate Emergency Unit, Canada
- ClimateFast, Canada
- David Suzuki Foundation, Canada
- Earth Action, Inc., United States
- Earth Justice Ministries, United States
- EcoEquity, United States
- Education, Economics, Environmental, Climate and Health Organization (EEECHO), United States
- Environmental Defence Canada
- Équiterre, Canada
- For Our Kids, Canada
- Friends of the Earth U.S.
- Grandmothers Act to Save the Planet (GASP), Canada
- Grandmothers Advocacy Network, Canada
- Green 13, Canada
- Hawai'i Institute for Human Rights, United States
- Heinrich Böll Foundation Washington, DC, United States
- Institute for Policy Studies Climate Policy Program, United States
- Interfaith Power & Light, United States
- Just Earth, Canada
- Kelly Creek Protection Project of Earth Island Institute, United States
- Les Amies de la Terre Canada / Friends of the Earth Canada
- New Progressive Alliance, United States
- North Carolina Interfaith Power & Light, United States
- Ontario Climate Emergency Campaign, Canada
- Padma Centre for Climate Justice, Canada
- Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania, United States
- re•generation, Canada
- Seeding Sovereignty, United States
- Shark Stewards, United States
- Stop Line 9 Toronto, Canada
- Texas Impact / Texas Impact Foundation, United States
- The Climate Reality Project Canada
- The Global Sunrise Project, Canada
- The People's Justice Council, United States
- Turtle Island Restoration Network, United States
- Vegans & Vegetarians of Alberta Association, Canada
- Windfall Ecology Centre, Canada
- Aotearoa New Zealand Human Rights Foundation
- ARRCC (Australian Religious Response to Climate Change)
- Climate Action Merribek, Australia
- Climate Action Monaro, Australia
- Climate Action Network Australia
- Climate Change Balmain-Rozelle, Australia
- Environment and Conservation Organisations of New Zealand Inc
- Friends of the Earth Australia
- GetUp!, Australia
- Parents for Climate Aotearoa, New Zealand
- Parramatta Climate Action Network, Australia