Signatories of the
2023 Civil Society Equity Review
The following more than 200 groups, organisations and movements endorse the analyses, findings and recommendations of the report “An Equitable Phaseout of Fossil Fuel Extraction – Towards a Reference Framework for a Fair and Rapid Global Phaseout” and/or the report “The 2023 Fair Shares Deficit – A Civil Society Equity Review of the NDCs and 2035 Mitigation Fair Shares”
If your organization wishes to sign on to the Review, please fill in the Sign On form.
Please note, at this point we only invite sign-ons from organizations – not individuals.
- 350.org
- ACT Alliance
- ActionAid International **
- Casa Generalizia Della Societa del Sacro Cuore
- Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
- Christian Aid
- Climate Action Network International
- Environmental Justice Foundation
- Fast For the Climate
- Friends of the Earth International **
- GreenFaith
- Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
- International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
- ITeM / Social Watch
- Laudato Si' Movement
- LDC Watch
- Medical Mission Sisters
- Oil Change International
- Oxfam
- Plastic Pollution Coalition
- Publish What You Pay *
- Recourse
- Rivers without Boundaries Coalition
- Stand.earth
- The Last Plastic Straw
- VIVAT International
- War on Want
- Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN)
- WWF International
- HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation
- WhatNext?
- Asian Peoples Movement on Debt and Development
- Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa (CYNESA)
- Climate Action Network South Asia
- Climate Action Network Southeast Asia (CANSEA)
- Global Policy Forum Europe
- Health of Mother Earth Foundation *
- Pacific Islands Climate Action Network
- Power Shift Africa
- South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE)
- AbibiNsroma Foundation, Ghana
- African Coalition on Green Growth (ACGG), Zimbabwe
- Association APEDDUB, Tunisia
- Association Tunisienne de droit de développement, Tunisie
- Baruch Initiative for Transformation, Nigeria
- Climate Action Network Zimbabwe
- Climate and Sustainable Development Network (CSDevNet)
- Coalition malienne Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez (PCQVP-Mali), Mali
- Disability Peoples Forum Uganda
- Ecological Christian Organisation (ECO), Uganda
- Egyptian Green Party
- Institute for Economic Research on Innovation, South Africa
- JA! Justiça Ambiental, Mozambique
- Jamaa Resource Initiatives, Kenya
- Net Impact The Gambia
- Sudanese Environment Conservation Society (SECS)
- Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development
- United Nations Association of Chad
- World Friends for Africa Burkina Faso
- Adarsha Samajik Progoti Sangstha, Bangladesh
- All Nepal Peasants Federation/Tax and Fiscal Justice Asia
- All Nepal Peasants' Federation (ANPFa) Nepal
- Alyansa Tigil Mina (ATM), Philippiens
- An Organization for Socio-Economic Development-AOSED, Bangladesh
- Archdiocese of Manila Ministry on Ecology, Philippines
- Arjon Foundation, Bangladesh
- Ateneo Public Interest and Legal Advocacy (APILA), Philippines
- Bangladesh Integrated Social Advancement Programme (BISAP) *
- Bangladesh Krishok Federation
- Campaign for Climate Justice Network (CCJN), Nepal
- Catholic Stewards of Creation, inc, Philippines *
- Center for Energy, Ecology and Development, Philippines
- Centre for Environmental Justice, Sri Lanka
- Climate Watch Thailand
- Community Action for Healing Poverty Organization
- Community Initiatives for Development in Pakistan-CIDP
- Digo Bikas Institute, Nepal
- Eco-Conservation Initiatives (ECI), Pakistan
- EcoHimal Nepal
- Environics Trust, India
- Environmental Protection Society Malaysia (EPSM)
- Equity and Justice Working Group, Bangladesh [EquityBD]
- FIAN Nepal
- Fridays For Future India
- Ghani Welfare Foundation, Bangladesh
- Green Movement of Sri Lanka Inc.
- Human Rights Alliance, Nepal
- Indian Social Action Forum
- Kanlungan Migrant Center, Philippines
- Krisoker Sor (Farmers' Voice), Bangladesh
- KRuHA - people's coalition for the right to water, Indonesia
- MAUSAM Movement for Advancing Understanding of Sustainability And Mutuality, India
- Microfinance and Community Development Institute, Vietnam
- Mines Mineral and People, India
- National Youth Federation Nepal
- Nepal Integrated Development Initiatives
- Oyu Tolgoi Watch Mongolia
- Philippine Movement for Climate Justice
- Rivers without Boundaries Coalition, Mongolia
- SAPACC South Asian People's Action on Climate Crisis, India
- SETU, Bangladesh
- Social Economic Development Society [SEDS], Bangladesh
- Tadbeer Research Organization, Afghanistan
- Task Force Detainees of the Philippines
- TFINS, India
- The Future We Need, India *
- UDYAMA, India
- VOICE, Bangladesh
- WomanHealth Philippines *
- Women's Rehabilitation Centre (WOREC), Nepal
- Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines
- YouthNet for Climate Justice, International *
- Youths United for Earth (YUFE), Malaysia
- Zo Indigenous Forum, India
- Alliance Climatique Suisse / Klima-Allianz Schweiz
- Association for Farmers Rights Defense, AFRD, Georgia
- Change Partnership, Belgium
- Co-ordination Office of the Austrian Bishop's Conference for International Development and Mission (KOO)
- Creatives for Climate, Netherlands *
- Faith for the Climate, United Kingdom
- Forum for Development and the Environment, Norway
- Friends of the Earth Ireland
- Friends of the Earth Spain **
- Global Justice Now, United Kingdom
- International-Lawyers.Org (INTLawyers), Switzerland & Sierra Leone
- Klimakultur, Norway
- Klimatsekretariatet, Sweden
- Milieudefensie - Friends of the Earth Netherlands
- NOAH Friends of the Earth Denmark
- Razom We Stand, Ukraine *
- Rise for Climate Belgium
- Rodzice dla Klimatu, Poland
- Share The World's Resources, United Kingdom
- Tools For Solidarity, United Kingdom
- United Kingdom Without Incineration Network (UKWIN)
- Uplift, United Kingdom
- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom UK, United Kingdom
- Zero Waste Alliance Ireland
Latin America
- CAN Latin America / Movimiento Ciudadano frente al Cambio Climatico, Perú
- Centro de Estudios y Apoyo al Desarrolllo Local, Bolivia
- CESTA Friends of the Earth El Salvador, El Salvador
- Movimiento Ciudadano frente al Cambio Climático, Perú
- Por la Tierra AC, México
- Quantum Leap, Costa Rica
- TierrActiva Peru
North America
- ActionAid USA
- Alliance for Tribal Clean Energy, United States
- Anthropocene Alliance, United States
- Association for the Tree of Life, United States
- Canadian Engaged Buddhism Association, Canada
- Canadian Interfaith Fast For the Climate
- Canadian Voice of Women for Peace
- Care About Climate, United States
- Center for Biological Diversity, United States
- Citizens Climate Lobby Canada
- Climate Action for Lifelong Learners (CALL), Canada
- Climate Action Network Canada (CAN-Rac)
- Climate Crisis Policy, United States
- Climate Emergency Coalition, United States
- Climate Emergency Institute, Canada
- Climate Emergency Unit, Canada
- Climate Nexus, United States *
- ClimateFast, Canada
- David Suzuki Foundation, Canada
- Destination Zero, Canada
- Earth Action, Inc., United States
- Earth Justice Ministries, United States
- EcoEquity, United States
- Environmental Defence Canada
- For Our Kids, Canada
- Fridays For Future USA
- Friends of the Earth Canada
- Friends of the Earth U.S. **
- George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication, United States
- Grandmothers Act to Save the Planet (GASP), Canada
- Grandmothers Advocacy Network, Canada
- Green 13, Canada
- Green Neighbours 21, Canada
- Institute for Policy Studies Climate Policy Program, United States
- Interfaith Power & Light, United States
- Kelly Creek Protection Project of Earth Island Institute, United States
- Movement Rights, United States
- New Progressive Alliance, Canada and the United States
- North American Climate, Conservation and Environment (NACCE), United States
- North Carolina Council of Churches, United States
- North Carolina Interfaith Power & Light, United States
- Ontario Climate Emergency Campaign, Canada
- Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania, United States
- Shift: Action for Pension Wealth & Planet Health, Canada
- Stop Line 9 Toronto, Canada
- The Climate Reality Project Canada
- The Earth Bill Network, United States
- Toronto East End Climate Collective, Canada
- Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, United States
- Vegans & Vegetarians of Alberta, Canada
- Wall of Women, United States
- Windfall Ecology Centre, Canada
- World Federalist Movement - Canada
- Aotearoa New Zealand Human Rights Foundation
- ARRCC (Australian Religious Response to Climate Change)
- Climate Action Merribek, Australia
- Climate Action Monaro, Australia *
- Climate Action Network Australia, Australia
- Climate Justice Programme, Australia
- College of Nurses Aotearoa, New Zealand
- GetUp, Australia
- New Zealand Climate Action Network
- New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine
- Parents for Climate Aotearoa, New Zealand
* Organizations marked * only signed on to “An Equitable Phaseout of Fossil Fuel Extraction”
** Organizations marked ** only signed on to “The 2023 Fair Shares Deficit“